Awarded by Sachs Construction, LLC
Award Amount: $1,000 non-renewable to the student’s choice of school, inclusive of a Trade School/Vocational School, 2-year Associate programs, or 4-year Bachelor programs.
The scholarship can be applied to tuition, books, and materials required for the student’s course of study. Payment will be made directly to the student’s chosen institution.
Selection: Recipients will be selected by the DEF Scholarship Committee, in conjunction with Sachs Construction, LLC. Finalists may be asked to interview.
To be eligible, the student must:
Be a graduating senior from Durango High School or Big Picture High School.
Be planning to pursue higher education or vocational training at an accredited institution, such as a university, community college, or vocational school.
Demonstrate discipline, determination, and a passion for higher education or vocational training.
Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
Show a clear focus and commitment to pursuing a career, with preference given to students requiring financial assistance.
Students pursuing careers related to construction may be eligible for internship and mentoring opportunities.
Determination and discipline in school
Efforts to achieve beyond presumed abilities.
Clear passion for higher education and future career goals.
Perseverance in overcoming obstacles, including any financial challenges.
Academic Transcript: 2.0 minimum GPA
A complete senior transcript showing sustained GPA may be required before the award is remitted to the student’s choice of college.
Statement of Financial Need
Please share anything about your family financial situation and/or your financial situation that will help us understand your need for college scholarship assistance. (approximately 250 words)
Two Letters of Recommendation:
1: From a teacher or staff member who has worked directly with the student throughout high school and can speak to the student’s academic progress and character.
2: From another teacher, counselor, or mentor who can speak to the student’s successes, work ethic, and achievements.
#1 College and Career Essay:
What are your education and career goals? What makes you passionate about this future path? What have you done so far to pursue these future goals? What will you be doing 1 and 5 years after college graduation? (600 words maximum)
#2 Obstacles Essay:
What challenge, big or small, are you proud to have persevered through, and what challenges, as you enter college, do you still have ahead of you? (300 words maximum)
Have questions? Contact Wendy Allsbrook Javier at
970-769-7600 or 9rfoundation@gmail.com