Grants Overview
2021 Fall Grant Cycle Important Dates
Application Cycle Opens: October 1, 2021
Deadline to Apply: December 1, 2021 at 11:59 PM
Grants Overview
Submit your LOI email and grant as early as possible; this will allow time to review and make necessary revisions to any missing information or errors.
An invitation to apply doesn’t guarantee DEF approval, and 9-R review does not guarantee DEF approval.
For Organizations Outside of School District 9-R: Organization must be a 501(c)3 non-profit. Grant must impact 9-R classrooms. Use of a 9-R facility or incorporation into a 9-R program will require the building supervisor’s permission; please document permission(s) in your grant. Note: technology and materials purchased within this grant become the property of Durango School District 9-R; exceptions can be made by DEF.
9-R Employees: Inform and discuss your application with your Principals and/or Department Heads to ensure your item will not be funded through district funding.
Technology Requests: Applicants must inquire with 9-R Technology Department to ensure item(s) meet standard lists and infrastructure requirements (i.e. connectivity, Wi-Fi, installation).
Prepare your budget: Contact the 9-R Finance Department to verify the necessary information (i.e. W-9) for your intended vendor(s) is on file with 9-R.
At its discretion, DEF may require additional verification of the ability and qualifications of the grant applicant(s) to implement the proposed program.
Grants must be fully implemented within one year of award. Exceptions must have DEF approval.
Changes in the use of funds must be pre-approved by DEF.
A Post-Grant Evaluation is required for all awarded grants within 6 months of grant implementation. An evaluation must be submitted before grantee can be considered for subsequent grants.
The recipient will acknowledge DEF support and will allow the use of program materials and photographs for DEF publicity. Recipient must obtain student and parent/guardian (for minors) permissions prior to submitting photographs to DEF.
DEF loves to see grants in action. Please contact DEF to schedule a school visit after awarded grants have been implemented. DEF can help take photographs and document your efforts for your post-grant evaluation.
Contact Information
For questions, concerns and more information:
Wendy Allsbrook Javier, DEF Executive Director
Phone: (970) 769-7600
Email: 9rfoundation@gmail.com
Durango Education Foundation
281 Sawyer Drive, Suite 100
Durango, CO 81303